New York Crew is the ultimate outpost for alternative sports. Born in the city, raised for adventure. The outdoors is our passion: Whether in the mountains, the wilderness, the urban jungle, in remote destinations or in the countryside, NEW YORK CREW is here to inspire and empower alternative athletes to push their limits - to seek new routes, new lines or new distances and to follow their passions!
We are the organization that creats an alternative to outdoors so that they can be more accessible and safer, in order to make you feel right at home wherever you are; an alternative that brings elegancem style and class. We transform extreme conditions into our favourite playground, because this is our way of living and overcoming day-to-day challenges. We give people the chace to rediscover the world and nature through alternative sports.
New York Crew brings together the entire adventure sports environment, from those outstanding event ordanizers to those who are working on their first event, both the best confirmed athletes and the mort prodigious young talents, those who sell the latest technology mountain boot, but also those who fix your mountain bike on the go. We bring all of these actors to compete in a variety of disciplines for sake of our adrenaline hunger. Also, New York Crew hosts cultural contests, participatory events, all while showcasing amazing destinations so everybody can understand the whole industry. All since 2008
09,George Cosbuc Blvd., GL, Romania, 800378
33983241 / 19.01.2015
05,Mendeleev Str. District 1, Bucharest, Romania, 800378
48131124 / 09.05.2023
New York Crew este ultimul avanpost al sporturilor alternative. Inspiram si dam putere sportivilor alternativi sa-si depaseasca limitele - sa caute noi trasee, linii noi sau noi distante si sa-si urmeze pasiunile!
Suntem organizatia care militeaza pentru a face sporturile de aventura sa fie mai accesibile si mai sigure, pentru a te face sa te simti acasa oriunde te-ai afla. Transformam conditiile extreme in locul nostru de joaca preferat, pentru ca acesta este modul nostru de a trai si de a depasi provocarile de zi cu zi. Oferim oamenilor sansa de a redescoperi lumea si natura prin sporturi alternative.
New York Crew reuneste intregul mediu de sport de aventura, de la acei organizatori de evenimente remarcabili pana la cei care lucreaza la primul lor eveniment, de la cei mai buni sportivi confirmati, la cele mai luminoase tinere talente, de la cei care vand ghete de munte de ultima tehnologie, la cei care va repara bicicletele. Ii aducem pe toti acesti actori sa concureze intr-o varietate de discipline de dragul dorintei noastre de adrenalina.